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RAPIDE Study: Trial coordinator, pharmacists, research nurses and doctors required for therapeutic clinical trials in West Africa
The University of Oxford is recruiting staff for its third research team in Liberia, and to set up a new therapeutic clinical trial in Sierra Leone. If you are interested and available from mid-February for 6-7 weeks, please submit your CV and covering email stating which role you are qualified for by email to
Successful candidates will be issued with University of Oxford contracts for the duration of their deployment.
All related enquiries should be sent by email to
Thank you for considering part taking in this important initiative.
Dr Gail Carson
ISARIC Clinical Coordinator
RAPIDE – Rapid Assessment of Potential Interventions and Drugs for Ebola, is sponsored by the Wellcome Trust and led out of University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Medicine, Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health. Please read more about RAPIDE here: