This is the ISARIC case-report form if you wish to use it for cases of human infection with the novel coronavirus (hCoV-EMC).
A bibliography for articles that may be of interest when treating patients diagnosed with novel coronavirus.
A CRF aiming to provide feedback on the process to inform future work with ethical committees and regulatory agencies.
A collection of funding opportunities nationally, regionally and globally that may be of interest to ISARIC members. Please contact the Secretariat directly to suggest links for the next bulletin.
ISARIC - Inernational Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium broadcast a statement outlining proposals for a research agenda with regards to the novel coronavirus, through ProMED on December 8th. The statement includes a description of potential observatinal studies, RCTs, a sampling plan, and suggestions for possible interventions.
A sample plan for sample collection with regards to a potential novel coronavirus outbreak, developed by Kenneth Baillie and ISARIC's Working Group 3.
Slides on the needs of clinicians and public health authorities
Information slides on ISARIC, objectives, vision and structure
Download the application form for Observer status and non-member participation, with instructions.
1st ISARIC Council Meeting Summary. Includes details on ISARIC's vision, a summary of the meeting proceedings and a list of the next steps ahead.
ISARIC's Newsletter for the first quarter of 2012, including and update of activities December 2011 - April 2012, a listing of the members of the Executive Committee, Regional Hubs, Working Groups, External Advisors and Secretariat, and a message from ISARIC's Chairman Jeremy Farrar.
ISARIC's Governance Framework describing the oranisational structure and the various tasks of the Executive Committee, Secretariat, Council, Working Groups, Advisory Committee and other entities that form part of ISARIC's governance framework.
ISARIC Membership forms for Full and Individual Membership with instructions.
All networks and individuals wishing to join ISARIC and wanting to participate in the activities of ISARIC's Working Groups must read and sign off the Membership Policy - including our mission statement and the objectives of the consortium. The Membership is applied for by filling out, signing, and submitting a membership form - either for Full Membership (Networks) or Individual Membership (individuals who are not, yet, eligible to represent networks). The membership is free of charge.
We welcome contributions from members. Please submit an article for review by our editorial team.
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